Guidelines for fee payment for B.A., LL.B. Sem III, V and VII
- Go to
- Select Re-admission tab
- Select the branch – Rajasthan School of Law for Women, Jaipur
- Verify your details
- Enter college scholar no. in registration code
- Select the 1) Admission Form Fees 2) Admission Fee and click on Submit
- Confirm the details on Payment summary page and then click on proceed (if error
occurs then go back and proceed again) - Select your payment options such as Debit card / Credit card / Net Banking.
- You will redirect to the payment gateway.
- You will receive a payment confirmation on your registered mobile no and
email id after successful payment.
- For any queries, contact: 7230037628 on working days only from 10am to
4pm or mail to - In case of payment status failed and amount deducted from the account, do
not pay again, contact on number mentioned above